As Rojo books are published without a word -just with pictures-.
I thought it was an interesting idea to ask Lolo to comment us 10 pages i've selectionned in his book.


This is a series of posters I put near schools... These children come from the school...



It's in Zaragoza. Boris Hoppek made the paperboard sculpture, unfortunately somebody broke it during the night... only for company sleeping time!



With my friends Xavi y Eli ( freaklub!! )...
very good time



Children like to play in the trees....this is part of the photo serie for Woostercollective called "how to make" you can see mine here.



What i really l like is making traditional animation, drawn frame by frame. You can see a few video examples here.



Golden age with Sosaku... best times; I love painting with him.



I stole the clothes from BCNeta , and I use them sometimes for painting.
These pictures come from a Pat Oks video named "extra hours".



Children eat flowers. I like drawing flowers.



Police. Violent performance...



At home. My last work...


The book is available here:




ekosystem august 2006